Hazel Ave. / Baker St. / Northampton Rd.

Satellite view of neighborhood
Satellite view of neighborhood

        This neighborhood is notable as it has a long history of majority African American residences. Most notably, Hazel Ave. became an all-Black neighborhood in the 1860s and stayed as such until nearly present day. A number of locally famous African-American names resided in or originated from this area. Some examples include Gil Roberts, a famous banjo player and collaborator with Louis Armstrong, and Bessie Taylor, the recipient of Amherst’s gold topped cane at the age of 102.



Dr. Amilcar Shabazz
Dr. Amilcar Shabazz

Dedicated to

Dr. Amilcar Shabazz, chair of W.E.B. DuBois Department of Afro-American Studies, and instructor of the class "Heritage Of The Oppressed." Thank you for reminding us the importance of learning the stories of the "other." 

Number of visitors since Feb 28, 2012